
  • Exclusively uses DBus/Ice to connect to the server - in no circumstance will Mumble-Django try to access Murmur’s Database directly.

  • Compatible with both Murmur 1.1.8 and 1.2.0 – default is 1.2.0

  • can connect to both Murmur 1.1.8 and Murmur 1.2.0 at the same time, if using DBus for 1.1.8 and Ice for 1.2.0

  • Legacy support for Murmur 1.1.4 (Debian Lenny)

  • Public channel list for each configured server

  • every channel is a link that will connect you directly to that channel

  • when clicking on a user name, you get a few details about this user

  • the links apply the user name to registered users, so you can use them and still will be named correctly

  • empty subchannels will be hidden to keep the list clear (much like Mumble itself does)

  • Create and delete Mumur instances on as many Murmur installations as you want, they just need to be on the System DBus / ICE

  • Recognizes Cell phone browsers and serves them with a special, light-weight version of the channel viewer page

  • Fully supports the Channel Viewer Protocol

  • Can be used as a data source for Murmur-Manager’s channel viewer

  • Ships with a Munin plugin that graphs the user count for each registered server

  • Edit the following configuration details in the `Admin Interface`_ for a Murmur instance:

  • Server Registration Name (which is also the name of the root channel)

  • Server Address (can be a domain name too, the “host” field will be set to the according IP automatically)

  • Server Port

  • Website URL (will show up in the global Server List)

  • Welcome Message

  • Server Password

  • Superuser Password

  • Max Users

  • Bandwith

  • SSL Cert and Key

  • Murmur instances can be started/stopped directly from the web interface

  • User registration

  • Registered Django users can register an account on every configured Murmur instance, so they can join with +A

  • Murmur Accounts can be managed in the `Admin Interface`_

  • for security, Users’ passwords are not saved in the models (the field only exists for Model compatibility, save() empties it)

  • grant/revoke users’ membership in the admin group on the root channel

  • “manage.py syncdb” recognizes existing Murmur instances and players and puts them into the DB

  • Admin Interface for server admins to configure basic settings

  • User manager for server admins: add/delete registrations, grant/revoke admin, change password

  • handling user textures

  • an Ice connector to allow simple switching between DBus and Ice

  • Main template is a single file: if you don’t like the look-and-feel, just change index.htm

  • Full Django API compatibility: To extend mumble-django, you only need to work with the models, they will handle everything in their save() methods

  • Complete support of all options (like configuring channel/player name regexes)

  • Generates valid XHTML transitional (apart from HTML in the channel/user descriptions :) )

  • Extensibility: Being a standard Django project and using standard Django Models, you can extend Mumble-Django easily and build a complete website around it.