Exclusively uses DBus/Ice to connect to the server - in no circumstance will Mumble-Django try to access Murmur’s Database directly.
Compatible with both Murmur 1.1.8 and 1.2.0 – default is 1.2.0
can connect to both Murmur 1.1.8 and Murmur 1.2.0 at the same time, if using DBus for 1.1.8 and Ice for 1.2.0
Legacy support for Murmur 1.1.4 (Debian Lenny)
Public channel list for each configured server
every channel is a link that will connect you directly to that channel
when clicking on a user name, you get a few details about this user
the links apply the user name to registered users, so you can use them and still will be named correctly
empty subchannels will be hidden to keep the list clear (much like Mumble itself does)
Create and delete Mumur instances on as many Murmur installations as you want, they just need to be on the System DBus / ICE
Recognizes Cell phone browsers and serves them with a special, light-weight version of the channel viewer page
Fully supports the Channel Viewer Protocol
Can be used as a data source for Murmur-Manager’s channel viewer
Ships with a Munin plugin that graphs the user count for each registered server
Edit the following configuration details in the `Admin Interface`_ for a Murmur instance:
Server Registration Name (which is also the name of the root channel)
Server Address (can be a domain name too, the “host” field will be set to the according IP automatically)
Server Port
Website URL (will show up in the global Server List)
Welcome Message
Server Password
Superuser Password
Max Users
SSL Cert and Key
Murmur instances can be started/stopped directly from the web interface
User registration
Registered Django users can register an account on every configured Murmur instance, so they can join with +A
Murmur Accounts can be managed in the `Admin Interface`_
for security, Users’ passwords are not saved in the models (the field only exists for Model compatibility, save() empties it)
grant/revoke users’ membership in the admin group on the root channel
“manage.py syncdb” recognizes existing Murmur instances and players and puts them into the DB
Admin Interface for server admins to configure basic settings
User manager for server admins: add/delete registrations, grant/revoke admin, change password
handling user textures
an Ice connector to allow simple switching between DBus and Ice
Main template is a single file: if you don’t like the look-and-feel, just change index.htm
Full Django API compatibility: To extend mumble-django, you only need to work with the models, they will handle everything in their save() methods
Complete support of all options (like configuring channel/player name regexes)
Generates valid XHTML transitional (apart from HTML in the channel/user descriptions :) )
Extensibility: Being a standard Django project and using standard Django Models, you can extend Mumble-Django easily and build a complete website around it.