.. _en_installation: Installation of Mumble-Django ============================= Prerequisites ------------- In order to install Mumble-Django, you will need the following software. The Installation section will describe the setup in greater detail. * Murmur :) * A web server that supports WSGI or FastCGI. The recommended option is Apache2 with mod_wsgi, how to configure this is described under :ref:`en_web_server_setup`. (Note that the web server is the very last thing to configure, it is just listed here because you will need one.) * `Python (at least 2.5) `_ * `Django (at least 1.2.3) `_ * `django-registration `_ * Python modules: * PIL: Python Imaging Library (for user textures) * simplejson (for the user manager) * qrencode (only if you want `QR Codes `_ to be shown for your servers) * If using DBus (for Murmur older than 1.1.8): * DBus and python-dbus * Currently, all your Murmur servers must be on the System Dbus in order to be reachable by this application (in my setup, Murmur doesn't run under the same user as the web server, so I can't use a session dbus). * Murmur and mumble-django need to run on the same machine as DBus does not support inter-machine connectivity. * If using Ice (recommended): * python-zeroc-ice * If you are using Ubuntu Hardy (8.04), you will likely experience issues with Ice as python-zeroc-ice is incompatible to Python 2.5 in Hardy. I have prepared fixed Packages in `my PPA on Launchpad `_, please consider updating to these packages if you intend to use Ice on Hardy. Debian and Ubuntu Packages -------------------------- * I am packaging Mumble-Django for Debian. To watch the status of the packages, check out `Debian's package tracker `_. * If packages are available for the Debian version you are using, just type *apt-get install mumble-django* to install them. * The packages have the *mumble-server* package as a dependency, so make sure the installation of that package doesn't break anything if you're using Murmur static. If it does, you should go for the :ref:`manual installation `. * Ubuntu has included my Debian packages in Lucid Lynx, so if you are using this or any later Ubuntu version, Apt will be able to install MD as well. .. warning:: The packages included in Ubuntu have an error in their configuration file. This is because Ubuntu chose to ignore my update request and Lucid still ships with v1.1, which needs the slice version to be configured in *settings.py*, but failed to do so. The variable ``SLICE_VERSION`` needs to be changed to ``(1, 2, 2)`` in */etc/mumble-django/settings.py* before Mumble-Django will work. .. _en_manual_install: Manual Installation ------------------- * First of all, decide if you want to use Ice or DBus. On most installations, you will want to use Ice. * You need these packages: libapache2-mod-wsgi python-imaging python-simplejson mercurial * If you want to use DBus: python-dbus * If you want to use Ice: python-zeroc-ice So for using Ice, type *apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi python-imaging python-simplejson mercurial python-zeroc-ice*. * Django is required in Version 1.2.3. To find out which version is packaged in your distribution, type *apt-cache show python-django | grep Version*. If that version is too old, you need to install Django using *easy_install django*, otherwise you should install it using *apt-get install python-django*. .. note:: If you receive the error ``easy_install: Command not found``, you need to install the *python-setuptools* package. * The installation of django-registration depends on how you installed Django itself. If you used *easy_install*, type *easy_install django_registration*, otherwise use *apt-get install python-django-registration*. * Murmur needs to be reachable over DBus or Ice. If you need further info on that, see: * :ref:`en_connecting_dbus` * :ref:`en_connecting_ice` * Choose where to install mumble-django to. I recommend */srv/mumble-django*. * Go to the path where you want mumble-django to be installed, and then use Git to retrieve it: * cd /srv * git clone http://github.com/Svedrin/mumble-django.git * cd mumble-django * chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/mumble-django * If you intend to use Ice, make sure the path to the Slice file configured in *pyweb/settings.py* (``SLICE`` variable) points to the correct Murmur.ice file for your Murmur installation. .. note:: This step will not be necessary from Murmur 1.2.3 on, because in that version Murmur introduces a way to retrieve the correct slice directly from it. You can find out if your system supports this by running *python manage.py getslice*. * Run *python manage.py syncdb* to create the database. * When asked if you would like to create an admin user, answer *yes*. You will need this user to log in to the admin system. (If you want to do this later on, run *python manage.py createsuperuser*.) * Mumble-Django will now try to find already existing server instances. If for some reason this does not work, you can safely skip it by not specifying a service string when prompted, and later repeat the process by running *python manage.py syncdb* again. * Now, the basic setup is complete. You can test Mumble-Django by running *python manage.py runserver* and pointing your web browser to *http://:8000/*. * You should run *python manage.py checkenv* now. This script will check your environment for a few common mistakes. If any of the tests fails, you should fix the error you get before you continue. * In order to run Mumble-Django on a production webserver like Apache2, you can follow the :ref:`en_web_server_setup` page. Other distributions ------------------- Of course, Mumble-Django does not only run on Debian, but on all distros that can somehow handle the prerequisites. You just need to figure out how to install the Webserver, PIL and SimpleJSON; the rest of the Manual Installation howto should work for any other distro as well. Running Mumble 1.1.x and 1.2.x simultaneously --------------------------------------------- Beginning from 1.2.0, the Mumble project has started deprecating DBus and migrating to ZeroC Ice. As Ice only supports connecting to Murmur servers that have the same version, connecting to both 1.1.x and 1.2.x servers requires you to use DBus for 1.1.x, and Ice for 1.2.x servers. That way, you will still be able to administer both versions from the same installation of Mumble-Django without losing any functionality.