Channel Viewer ============== Mumble-Django includes a Channel Viewer which has been written completely in JavaScript using ExtJS components. That way, it can be embedded seemlessly in a website (that is, without using iframe fakery) and load its content in the background using AJAX. The source code for the channel viewer can be found here: Inclusion via iframe -------------------- Although the channel viewer protocol is designed to allow the channel viewer to be included directly on the web site, people tend to find it easier to include the channel viewer via an iframe. In order to make this easier, Mumble-Django can also output a page that contains only the viewer. This page can be retrieved using ```` as the iframe's target URL. That is, if ```` is the URL where you see your server's detail page, ```` will give you the channel viewer only. Channel Viewer Protocol ----------------------- The channel viewer expects to get its data in a JSON format which has been standardized as the `Channel Viewer Protocol `_. This protocol is implemented by Mumble-Django, and can be queried using an URL like ````. That is, if ```` is the URL where you see your server's detail page, simply append ``.json`` or ``.xml`` to retrieve the data in the standardized format. This format is parseable not only by Mumble-Django's channel viewer, but indeed by all channel viewers which are compatible to the Channel Viewer Protocol. Usage examples -------------- The following code can be used to render the channel viewer into the document's body (that is, it will be the only content the page contains):: Ext.QuickTips.init(); viewer = new Ext.ux.MumbleChannelViewer({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), idleInterval: 5, source_url: "", imageurl: "" }); Of course, the channel viewer can be embedded like any other ExtJS component, e.g. in a tab panel:: Ext.QuickTips.init(); tabpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), activeTab: 0, items: [{ xtype: "mumblechannelviewer", title: "Channels!", source_url: "", imageurl: "" }, { title: "Infoez!", html: "Another tab" }] }); Resources --------- The channel viewer displays various icons; most notably the Mumble, Channel and User icons, but also those for the user flags. In order to work, you need to pass the URL where those images are served in the ``imageurl`` config option. The images need to be in PNG format, and the following images are currently being used: * authenticated * channel * comment_seen * deafened_self * deafened_server * mumble.16x16 * muted_self * muted_server * muted_suppressed * priority_speaker * recording * talking_off * talking_on Class definition ---------------- .. js:class:: Ext.ux.MumbleChannelViewer(config) **Inherits from**: `Ext.tree.TreePanel `_ **xtype**: mumblechannelviewer :param string source_url: The URL to query for channel/user information. Needs to point to a channel viewer protocol compliant JSON resource. :param string imageurl: The URL where images for the user flags can be found. :param int refreshInterval: The interval in milliseconds at which the channel viewer should automatically reload its data. (Default: 30000, 0 to start with auto-refresh disabled) :param int idleInterval: A user is considered talking if their ``idlesecs`` param is less than or equal to the value given here. (Default: 2) :param bool enableDD: If true, Drag&Drop will be enabled to allow channels and players to be moved around by the user. Events ------ In addition to the standard events raised by a `TreePanel `_, the channel viewer can raise these events if ``enableDD`` is set to ``true``: .. js:function:: moveUser( Ext.tree.TreePanel this, Object userdata, Object chandata ) Fired when a user has been moved to a new channel. .. js:function:: moveChannel( Ext.tree.TreePanel this, Object movedchandata, Object targetchandata ) Fired when a channel has been moved to a new parent channel. The data objects passed to the events conform to the channel viewer protocol.